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Craigslist Scam Uses USGI KIA In Iraq Photo

An Oregon man whose Army sergeant son died in Iraq saw his heartache compounded when the fallen soldier’s photo was used for a sham fundraising campaign on a Florida-based website.

The campaign was originally an ad in May on Craigslist Pensacola, then on another fundraising site soliciting money to help a wounded combat veteran identified [...]

5 Wounded Warriors Attempt Mount McKinley Summit

Five men severely wounded in wars stretching from Vietnam to Afghanistan are participating in 1 of the most daunting challenges of their lives.

They are attempting to summit North America’s tallest mountain.

While Alaska’s Mount McKinley is a formidable foe for anyone, it’s even more so for these climbers.

4 of them lost legs while [...]

Mexican Attorney To Sue ATF For “Fast and Furious”

A Mexican lawyer is preparing a civil lawsuit against the Agency Snuff, Firearms and Explosives (ATF, for its acronym in English) United States, representing relatives of victims of the operation ‘Fast and Furious’, with which the U.S. government illegally brought weapons into the country to trace and catch the criminals that were acquired. This is [...]

DHS Forced To Release List Following FOIA Request

The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.

The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of [...]

Iraq Vet Brutalized Over Guns In D.C.

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) seems to have it out for our military. The department is using the city’s pointless firearm registration mandate to harass, information pills arrest and jail servicemen.

Army 1st Sergeant Matt Corrigan was woken in the middle of the night, buy more about forced out of his home, arrested, had his [...]

Gary Sinise Keeps Promise To Triple Amputee Afghanistan Vet

Winner of both the Emmy Award and the Golden Globe, the man best known for his lead role in TV’s “CSI: New York” and his Oscar nominated work in “Forrest Gump,” actor, musician and humanitarian Gary Sinise is keeping his promise to a severely wounded Marine. Cpl. Joshua Benjamin “J.B.” Kerns (USMC Medically Retired) of [...]

Mexican Citizens Had 27,000 Rounds Of Ammo In South Texas

A man and a woman from Mexico face up to 10 years in prison for illegally having about 27, viagra 000 rounds of ammunition in South Texas. Investigators in Laredo say 35-year-old Abraham Garcia-Perguero and 33-year-old Maria Isabel Rodriguez-Olivio pleaded guilty Monday to weapons charges. No sentencing date was immediately set. Both remain in custody. [...]

Navy SEAL Hands Obama His Arse

Former Navy SEAL, approved Benjamin Smith took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

That oath has no expiration date. As an author, speaker, political strategist and ardent Constitutionalist, Benjamin Smith continues to battle tyranny and defend the freedoms that enabled American exceptionalism. Benjamin is a regular contributor to multiple [...]

CIA Drone Strike Kills Al Qaeda Leader

An airstrike Sunday killed a top Al Qaeda leader on the FBI’s most wanted list for his role in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole warship, Yemeni officials said. The drone attack was carried out by the CIA, U.S. officials said.

Fahd al-Quso was hit by a missile as he stepped out of his [...]

Five Arrested In Bridge Bombing Plot Near Cleveland

Five people, tadalafil claiming to be anarchists, clinic have been arrested in Cleveland for trying to blow up a four-lane bridge across the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

The public was never in danger from the devices,according to Fox News. The explosive devices were inoperable and controlled by an undercover FBI agent. Charges were [...]