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IL Sin Tax On Ammo Proposed

An Illinois lawmaker wants gun owners to shell out extra taxes in order to finance a new grant program for trauma centers, a move firearms advocacy groups say amounts to a “sin tax” on law-abiding hunters and target shooters.

State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, in a bill introduced earlier this month, proposed a 2 percent surtax [...]

Obama Continues Pushing UN Gun Control

In late September, salve several dozen UN representatives met at the University of Massachusetts in Boston to further discuss their plans for global gun control.

While our President may have a history of being absent for important events –missing over 300 votes while in the U.S. Senate, dissing important dignitaries who visit our country, etc. [...]

Massachusetts & California Fed Judges On 2A

A Federal Magistrate Judge in Massachusetts just outdid the Brady Center in their ludicrous interpretation of the United States Supreme Court Heller decision which declared that we have an individual, fundamental enumerated Constitutional right to carry a weapon for the purpose of self defense.

On October 14th, Judge Marrianne B. Bowler of Massachusetts ruled that [...]