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Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life, Shoots Deranged Gunman!

It’s not every day that you hear the police give a civilian a warm “thank you” for entering a lethal shootout, online but that’s exactly what happened in Early, viagra sale Texas on Sunday. But before we get into the heroic civilian shooter, click let’s back up a bit.

See a Man About a Dog

It all began, innocently enough, “as a squabble over dogs.” David Michael House, 58, and Iris Valentina Calaci, 53, were both residents at the Peach House RV Park in central Texas. They were also dog owners, and their pooches allegedly had a nasty habit of relieving themselves on the lawn of neighbor Charles Ronald Conner, 58.

According to eyewitnesses, Conner approached House about his dog, and an argument broke out. Rather than dealing with the confrontation like a normal human being, Conner allegedly went back to his RV, got his gun, returned to House, and lethally shot him.

The gun shots prompted Calaci to run screaming from her trailer home, but she didn’t get far. Conner chased her down, shot her once and then fired another shot into her, execution style.

Amazingly, Conner’s shooting spree didn’t end there. He also shot and killed the two dogs that, in his confused mind, started the mess.-[source]

1 comment to Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life, Shoots Deranged Gunman!

  • I am sure ANTI-GUN activists use stories like this to support their ideas of gun control but there far more ways to kill than just guns and where would the police officer have been if the man who intervened had not been armed.

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